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Description / Abstract:
This Standard establishes requirements and methods for
specifying and testing the performance of CNC lathes and turning
centers. In addition to clarifying the performance evaluation of
lathes and turning centers, this Standard seeks to facilitate
performance comparisons between machines by unifying terminology,
general machine classification, and the treatment of environmental
effects. The Standard defines testing methods capable of yielding
adequate performance results for the majority of turning centers
and is not intended to replace more complete tests. It is not the
intent of this Standard to place limits on, or to enforce
100%-testing of, any individual machine tool in accordance with
this Standard. This shall be the subject of contractual agreement
between the Supplier and the User.
The actual specification for turning centers is divided into the
following six logical areas:
(a) General Definitions. Definitions provided in this
Standard are generally consistent with the usage in other
referenced documents related to machine tools and metrology,
although some are specific to their use in this Standard.
(b) Machine Environmental Specifications and Responses.
Environmental specifications and responses include thermal,
electrical, and vibration specifications and tests, as well as
requirements on utility air and other externally supplied
(c) Machine Accuracy Performance as a Machine Tool.
Machine accuracy performance as a machine tool includes positioning
accuracy and repeatability for linear and rotary axes, angular
error motion of linear axes, spindle axis of rotation analysis,
machine thermal tests, critical alignments, and contouring
performance using circular tests.
(d) Machine Cutting Performance and Short-Term
Reliability. Machine cutting performance and short-term
reliability includes tests of spindle idle run losses and maximum
metal-removal capability. Additionally, the machine is run for
approximately 24 h to determine short-term reliability.
(e) Additional Machine Performance. Additional
performance sections are provided for axis of rotation alignment,
tail stock alignment, subsystems repeatability, tool-setting
performance, CNC performance, and machine performance as a
measuring tool.
(f) Machining Test Parts. This Standard provides for
the machining of test parts for a particular manufacturing
application. These test parts shall be fully specified as part of
the original purchasing agreement between the User and the
Supplier. Such specification shall include, but not be limited to,
material, tooling, machining sequence, and inspection
This Standard is rather comprehensive, and for smaller,
less-expensive machines, a shorter series of tests for conformance
to specification is given in Nonmandatory Appendix B.