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Description / Abstract:
The objective of the ASME HDPE Roadmap is to develop a strategy
for advancing the rules that will govern the technical aspects of
the design, installation, operation and inspection of HDPE piping
systems in nuclear power plants. Scientifically and statistically
based rules will instill safety and confidence, and these rules are
in the best interest of the nuclear industry, re!:,rulators, the
HOPE industry and the general public. The ASME HDPE Roadrnap
strategy aims to identify gaps, remove roadblocks, facilitate
necessary research and resolve concerns.
The Roadmap is intended to lead to the development of Code
rules, which can subsequently be endorsed by the regulator (NRC)
for generic use and application to facilitate licensing without the
need for an application specific Relief Request.
The strategies and plans of the ASME HOPE Roadrnap (this
document) attempt to identify and characterize the industry and
regulators' concerns, establish relevant justifications for desired
research, and challenge researchers and providers to deliver
solutions [2].
The Roadrnap identifies codes and standards related to HDPE
piping and may require modification to address HDPE piping
applications in nuclear service. This document does not address the
process, or Roadmapping. The technology Roadmapping represents a
powerful technique to support technological management and
planning, especially to explore and communicate dynamic
interactions between resources, organizational goals and
environment changes [3]. The Technology Roadrnapping process
provides a way to develop, organize and present information about
critical requirements and desirable performance of objectives that
must be achieved at the planned time [2].
This report is structured as follows:
• It describes the research and networking leading to the
development of the road!map strategies and plans .
• It identifies major issues of concerns, gaps and
• It clarifies issues by describing their background and lays
out options for technical solutions.
• The roadmap summarizes and prioritizes research projects
deemed important to receive technical solutions. lt displays
projects schedule and mjlestones in a Gantt style chart and
tabulated form.