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Description / Abstract:
This standard establishes requirements for control of nuclear
material in conversion facilities which are facilities or parts of
facilities in which a conversion process is operated. A conversion.
process is ~ny process' in which a starting material is processed
chemically to produce a useable product. Processes which do not
involve a chemical change normally would not constitute conversion
processes. Further, processes which are carried out primarily as a
means of purification, and which incidentally involve chemical
changes, normally would be classed as fuel reprocessing or scrap
reprocessing, not conversion. This specifically applies to direct
fluorination of scrap, which is defined as scrap reprocessing and
not conversion. It is recognized that two or more convertible
materials may be combined in a conversion process (for example,
UO2 PUO2). It is also recognized
that a diluent, such as ZrO2, may be added
during the co.nversion process. The addition of diluents
bydry blending prior to fabrication, however, is conside/y.ed
to be a fabrication operation. The basic materials to be converted
include "yellow cake" or similar crude uranium compounds, uranium
or plutonium oxides or nitrate, or uranium hexafluoride. The
products of a conversion process include uranium hexafluoride,
uranium or plutonium metal, uranium or plutonium oxides (chiefly
UO2 or PUO2 or mixtures of these), or uranium
or plutonium carbides, nitrides, etc.