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ISO 9333:2022 Dentistry - Brazing materials standard by International Organization for Standardization, 08/31/2022
ISO 22718:2015/Amd1:2022 - Amendment 1: Cosmetics - Microbiology - Detection of Staphylococcus aureus - Amendment 1 Amendment by International Organization for Standardization, 08/31/2022
ISO 18415:2017/Amd1:2022 - Amendment 1: Cosmetics - Microbiology - Detection of specified and non-specified microorganisms - Amendment 1 Amendment by International Organization for Standardization, 08/31/2022
ISO 6709:2022 Standard representation of geographic point location by coordinates standard by International Organization for Standardization, 08/31/2022
ISO 15083:2020/Amd1:2022 - Amendment 1: Small craft - Bilge-pumping systems - Amendment 1 Amendment by International Organization for Standardization, 08/31/2022
ISO 18416:2015/Amd1:2022 - Amendment 1: Cosmetics - Microbiology - Detection of Candida albicans - Amendment 1 Amendment by International Organization for Standardization, 08/31/2022
ISO 24019:2022 Simultaneous interpreting delivery platforms - Requirements and recommendations standard by International Organization for Standardization, 08/31/2022
ISO 4465:2022 Textiles - Animal welfare in the supply chain - General requirements for the production, preparation and traceability of Angora rabbit fibre, including ethical claims and supporting information standard by International Organization for Standardization, 08/31/2022
ISO 12749-2:2022 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection - Vocabulary - Part 2: Radiological protection standard by International Organization for Standardization, 08/31/2022
ISO 19168-2:2022 Geographic information – Geospatial API for features - Part 2: Coordinate Reference Systems by Reference standard by International Organization for Standardization, 08/31/2022
ISO 20716:2022 Oolong tea - Definition and basic requirements standard by International Organization for Standardization, 08/31/2022
ISO 28178:2022 Graphic technology - Exchange format for colour and process control data using XML or ASCII text standard by International Organization for Standardization, 08/31/2022