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IEEE 802.3-2022 IEEE Standard for Ethernet standard by IEEE, 07/29/2022
IEEE P1666 IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Standard SystemC Language Reference Manual standard by IEEE, 09/03/2023
IEEE 3300-2022 IEEE Standard Adoption of Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) Technical Specification Multimodal Conversion Version 1.2 standard by IEEE, 04/28/2023
IEEE 2960-2023 IEEE Guide for Testing Equipment for Direct Current Electrical Energy Meters standard by IEEE, 04/28/2023
IEEE White Paper Overview and Insight: Performance of Digital Health Systems During the COVID-19 Pandemic standard by IEEE, 01/25/2023
IEEE 287.3-2021 IEEE Recommended Practice for Precision Coaxial Connectors at RF, Microwave, and Millimeteter-wave Frequencies-Part 3: Connector Effects, Uncertainty Specifications, and Recommendations for Performance standard by IEEE, 09/16/2022
IEEE 1799-2022 IEEE Recommended Practice for Quality Control Testing of External Discharges on Stator Coils, Bars, and Windings standard by IEEE, 09/16/2022
IEEE P1658 IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Terminology and Test Methods of Digital-to-Analog Converter Devices standard by IEEE, 09/03/2023
IEEE 802.3cz-2023 IEEE Standard for Ethernet Amendment 7: Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for Multi-Gigabit Glass Optical Fiber Automotive Ethernet Amendment by IEEE, 04/28/2023